Take a scenic drive up to the serene neighborhood in Cupertino hills to find this lot right next to the Stevens creek. Off of Interstate 280, Foothill Blvd turns into Stevens Canyon Rd, few miles pass the Stevens Creek county park, its on your right. Build your dream home within few miles of Cupertino and easy access to Saratoga down town through redwood Gulch road. This is one of the three adjacent lots which are being sold together. The total area of these three lots is approx .62 acres. Explore the possibilities!
Take a scenic drive up to the serene neighborhood in Cupertino hills to find this lot right next to the Stevens creek. Off of Interstate 280, Foothill Blvd turns into Stevens Canyon Rd, few miles pass the Stevens Creek county park, its on your right. Build your dream home within few miles of Cupertino and easy access to Saratoga down town through redwood Gulch road. This is one of the three adjacent lots which are being sold together. The total area of these three lots is approx .62 acres. Explore the possibilities!